Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mathematics Quizzes Sharing Session during fourth Staff meeting

The Fourth staff meeting was held on 21st September 2011 in the afternoon at Multipurpose hall.

This Sharing Session was done by Madam Susie Soh (head of upper secondary) and Cikgu Norashihah (head of lower secondary).

The items discussed during the sharing session included:

-The aim of Mathematics Quizzes
-The duration of the Mathematics Quizzes
-The results of Pre-test(before the mathematics quizzes were done)
-The results of Post-test (after the mathematics quizzes were done)
-Information on the analysis of the results showed that the aim of mathematics quizzes was achieved.
-Information that the Maths Department has identified how to improve the structure of the Mathematics Quizzes and this will be applied for next year's Quizzes

The Maths Department wishes to thank all teachers at Sayyidina Hasan for their co-operation in making the Mathematics Quizzes success.

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